The Secret to a Smooth Bedtime: Stop Bedtime Battles
If you’re reading this, you might be wondering at which time your child needs to go at bed at night, why they’re fighting bedtime like it’s their full-time job (and how to get them to stop) and what the H bedtime charts are. I’m going to explain all of this and help your bedtime go smoothly without screaming and fighting. Let’s jump right in.
Step 1: Age-appropriate bedtime
The first step to having bedtime go smoothly is to find the right bedtime for your child.
Why? Because if your child is overtired (i.e. has been awake for too long), you can forget about a chill bedtime. Whether you have a baby, toddler or preschooler - your little one WILL scream bloody murder if they’re put to bed too late.
You can find your child's age-appropriate bedtime using my Wake Windows guide, access for free HERE.
Step 2: Bedtime routine
Ah, the bedtime routine. We’ve all heard about it by now - or at least most of us. So let me just remind you why having a bedtime routine is crucial:
- It sets your child’s body clock to get tired and prepare for sleep each night
- A bedtime routine relaxes your child, making bedtime go more smoothly
- It’s a great tool to connect with your little one after a long day, with lots of eye-contact, cuddles and coregulation
- It has been proven to improve your child’s development and well-being
Here’s a super simple child bedtime routine you can start tonight:
Tip: Use this as a background picture on your phone until you get into the groove!
Step 3: Use a bedtime chart
Bedtime charts might sound boring or rigid, but they can actually be such a game changer when it comes to baby and toddler sleep.
What is a bedtime chart?
It’s a chart to keep track of bedtime, basically. When your child has brushed their teeth, put on their PJs, etc.
There are 1 million ideas out there for bedtime charts from checking off steps, to putting stickers on steps, two flipping tabs. There is no one right way to do a bedtime chart. However, explaining to your toddler ahead of time how it works and even getting them involved in the process of hanging it up in their room can help them jump on board more easily when bedtime arises.
What are the benefits of a bedtime chart?
It might not seem like it, but kids love knowing what to expect and having a visual, step-by-step guide to follow helps them move through bedtime with less pushback. It also helps feed their need to be autonomous beings who are in control of their lives.
IMPORTANT: bedtime charts can help make bedtime easier, but please don’t be alarmed if your child still pushes back from time to time. A toddler’s job is to test boundaries and it is a healthy sign of development.
What is a good age to start a bedtime chart?
Around 2 years old is a good time, but you can certainly start sooner or later than that (you just may have to narrate the process of the chart a bit more). Whatever works for your family.
How do you use a bedtime reward chart?
I like to use a really simple one and just let my kids put a checkmark when they’ve completed a part of their bedtime routine.
You can download my super clear, simple and totally FREE bedtime charts HERE.
Enjoy and good luck! Reach out if you need any help with your child's bedtime.
💜 Ellanee